2002年7月毕业于河北师范大学物理学院,获学士学位;2007年7月毕业于中国科学院固体物理研究所,获博士学位,攻读博士学位期间,曾到香港中文大学进行学术交流与合作。自2007年7月起,在伟德国际BETVlCTOR工作;2008年4-6月,在新加坡南洋理工大学做访问学者;2013年4月-2014年6月,在University of Texas at Dallas做访问研究员。
1. 低维材料的电子结构、磁性、表面与界面性质以及在电子器件和储能领域的应用;
2. 自旋电子材料、半导体及其异质结构的性能调控及在电子/光电子器件方面的应用;
3. 过渡金属化合物材料的催化性质及机理;
4. 机器学习和深度学习应用于新型功能电子材料和器件的设计。
1. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),基于准二维过渡金属硫族化合物材料的电子态性质调控及其储能机制研究,11874223, (2019.01-2022.12),负责人;
2. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金项目),关联的狄拉克费米子体系中新奇的量子态及掺杂效应研究,11104148,(2012.01-2014.12),负责人;
3. 国家自然科学基金(专项基金项目),钴基三角晶格体系的奇异量子相及其电子态性质研究,11047162,(2011.01-2011.12),负责人;
4. 教育部博士点基金,自旋阻挫的层状钴基和镍基过渡金属氧化物反常基态物性研究,20100031120035, (2011.1-2013.12),负责人;
5. 教育部央属高校青年教师及海外留学归国人员基金项目,宽禁带氧化物稀磁半导体材料的制备、电子结构及性质研究,65010261,(2010.06-2012.05),负责人;
6. 国家重点研发计划,高功率低成本规模超级电容器的基础科学与前瞻技术研究,2016YFB0901600,(2016.7-2020.12),参与,项目骨干;
7. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),过渡金属元素掺杂调控准二维材料的电子结构和自旋极化性质研究,51871121,(2019.01-2022.12),参与,排名第二;
8. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金项目),新型稀土超导材料反常物理性质研究,11404172,(2015.1-2017.12),参与,排名第二;
9. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目)基于氧化物稀磁半导体的新型磁性金属颗粒薄膜的巨霍尔效应及应用,51171082,(2012.1-2015.12),参与,排名第三;
10. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金项目),新型四氧化三铁/有机半导体/金属复合薄膜自旋相关输运性质研究,51101088,(2012.1-2014.12),参与,排名第三;
11. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金项目),金刚石和硅的压缩变形的第一性原理研究,50902072,(2009.1-2011.12),参与,排名第二。
1. 王维华,吴茂坤,卢峰,刘晖,程雅慧,王卫超,董红,解新建,卤化物为缓冲层的金属硫属化合物半导体材料的掺杂方法,国家发明专利,授权日: 2021.02.02,授权号:ZL201910059719.5。
2. 王维华,解新建,程雅慧,李好博,刘晖,一种制备Cu-Cu2O核壳铁磁性纳米颗粒的方法,国家发明专利,授权日: 2016.01.06,授权号:ZL201310296659.1。
3. 程雅慧,刘晖,贺婕,胡啸宇,王卫超,王维华,卢峰,一种Ni-Ni2O3纳米复合材料及制备,国家发明专利,授权日: 2016.05.26,授权号: ZL201410242512.9。
4. 刘晖,程雅慧,李鲁艳,王维华,罗晓光,一种调节多晶Fe3O4薄膜材料电阻率的方法,国家发明专利,授权日: 2010.06.02,授权号: ZL200810151233.6。
50. W. Li, J. Cui, M. Wu, L. Wang, Y. Cheng, H. Dong, H. Liu, F. Lu, W. Wang, W. H. Wang*, Probing Quantum Capacitance of Typical Two-Dimensional Lattices Based on the Tight-Binding Model, J. Phys. Chem. C, 126(3), 1256-1263 (2022).
49. M. Wu, J. Cui, W. Yang, H. Dai, H. Dong, Y. Cheng, Z. Hong, W. Wang, F. Lu, H. Liu, S. Sun, W. H. Wang*, Two-Dimensional Protective Layers of MX3 to Stabilize Lithium and Sodium Metal Anodes, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 4(8), 8653-8659 (2021) .
48. B. Xin, Y. Hu, M. Wu, J. Cui, L. Li, Y. Cheng, H. Liu, F. Lu , K. Cho, W. H. Wang*, Electronic structures and anisotropic carrier mobilities of monolayer ternary metal iodides MLaI5 (M=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba), J. Phys.: Condens. Matter., 33(35), 355301 (2021).
47. F. Lu, J. Cui, P. Liu, M. Lin, Y. Cheng, H. Liu, W. Wang, K. Cho, W. H. Wang*, High-throughput identification of one-dimensional atomic wires and first principles calculations of their electronic states. Chin. Phys. B, 30(5), 057304 (2021).
46. J. Cui, W. Yang, Y. Cheng, H. Dong, H. Liu, X. Zuo, W. H. Wang, F. Lu*, Electronic states, mechanical properties and doping effects of one-dimensional atomic wires of SiX2 (X=S, Se). Appl. Surf. Sci., 559, 149894 (2021).
45. M. Wu, P. Liu, L. Li, H. Dong, Y. Cheng, H. Chen, W. Wang, H. Liu, F. Lu*, W. H. Wang* and K. Cho*, Ideal two-dimensional solid electrolytes for fast ion transport: metal trihalides MX3 with intrinsic atomic pores, Nanoscale, 12, 7188-7195 (2020). (Selected as “Editor's Choice”)
44. P. Liu, M. Wu, L. Li, X. Luo, Y. Cheng, H. Dong, H. Chen, W. Wang, H. Liu, W. H. Wang*, F. Lu*, K. Cho*, Ideal two-dimensional molecular sieves for gas separation: Metal trihalides MX3 with precise atomic pores, J. Membrane Sci., 602, 117786 (2020).
43. M. Lin, P. Liu, M. Wu, Y. Cheng, H. Liu, K. Cho, W. H. Wang, F. Lu*, Two-dimensional nanoporous metal chalcogenophosphates MP2X6 with high electron mobilities, Appl. Surf. Sci., 493, 1334-1339 (2019).
42. J. Liang, K. Xu, M. Wu, B. M. Hunt, W. H. Wang, K. Cho, S. K. Fullerton-Shirey*, Molecularly Thin Electrolyte for All Solid-State Nonvolatile Two-Dimensional Crystal Memory, Nano Lett., 19(12), 8911-8919 (2019).
41. M. Wu, P. Liu, B. Xin, L. Li, H. Dong, Y. Cheng, W. Wang, F. Lu, K. Cho, W. H. Wang*, H. Liu*, Improved carrier doping strategy of monolayer MoS2 through two-dimensional solid electrolyte of YBr3, Appl. Phys. Lett., 114(17), 171601 (2019). (Selected as an "Editor's Pick").
40. Z. Zhang, M. Wu, L. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Cheng, L. Li, H. Dong, H. Liu, Z. Hong, K. Cho, F. Lu, W. Wang*,W. H. Wang*, Exploring microscopic mechanism of pseudocapacitance with electronic structures in monolayer 1T-MoS2 electrodes for supercapacitors, Mater. Chem. Front., 3(7), 1310 (2019). (Selected as "Inside Front Cover", "2019 Materials Chemistry Frontiers HOT articles" and "one of the best three covers in 2019").
39. P. Liu, M. Wu, H. Liu, F. Lu, W. H. Wang, K. Cho, First-Principle Prediction on STM Tip Manipulation of Ti Adatom on Two-Dimensional Monolayer YBr3, Scanning, 5434935 (2019).
38. D. Y. Liu, Z. Sun, F. Lu, W. H. Wang, L. J. Zou, Correlation-driven Lifshitz transition in electron-doped iron selenides (Li,Fe)OHFeSe, Phys. Rev. B, 98(19), 195137 (2018)
37. P. Liu , X. Luo, Y. Cheng, X. W. Wang, W. Wang, H. Liu, K. Cho, W. H. Wang, F. Lu*, Physical realization of 2D spin liquid state by ab initio design and strain engineering in FeX3, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 30(32), 325801 (2018).
36. S. Ju, M. Wu, H. Yang, N. Wang, Y. Zhang, P. Wu, P. Wang, B. Zhang, K. Mu, Y. Li, D. Guan, D. Qian, F. Lu, D. Liu, W. H. Wang*, X. H. Chen, Z. Sun*, Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of ultrathin Bi(110) film on black phosphorus substrate, Chin. Phys. Lett., 35(7), 077102 (2018).
35. M. Wu, X. Yao, Y. Hao, H. Dong, Y. Cheng, H. Liu, F. Lu, W. Wang, K. Cho, W. H. Wang*, Electronic structures, magnetic properties and band alignments of 3d transition metal atoms doped monolayer MoS2, Phys. Lett. A, 382(2-3), 111-115 (2018).
34. P. Liu, F. Lu*, M. Wu, X. Luo, Y. Cheng, X. W. Wang, W. Wang, W. H. Wang, H. Liu and K. Cho, Electronic structures and band alignments of monolayer metal trihalide semiconductors MX3, J. Mater. Chem. C, 5 (35), 9066 (2017).
33. Y. Zhang, L. Han, C. Wang, W. H. Wang*, T. Ling, J. Yang, C. Dong, F. Lin*, X.W. Du*, Zinc-Blende CdS Nanocubes with Coordinated Facets for Photocatalytic Water Splitting, ACS Catal., 7(2), 1470−1477 (2017).
32. S. Chen, P. Tong, J. Wu, W. H. Wang*, W. Wang, Electronic structures and crystal field splitting of antiperovskite XNMn3 (X=3d and 4d elements), Comp. Mater. Sci., 132, 132-136 (2017).
31. W. H. Wang*, C. Gong, W. Wang, F. Kong, H. Kim, S. K. Fullerton-Shirey, A. Seabaugh, K. Cho*, Energetics of metal ion adsorption on and diffusion through crown ethers: First principles study on two-dimensional electrolyte, Solid State Ionics, 301, 176-181 (2017).
30. H. B. Li, Z. yang, J. Liu, X. Yao, K. Xiong, H. Liu, W. H. Wang, F. Lu, W. Wang*, Electronic properties and native point defects of high efficient NO oxidation catalysts SmMn2O5, Appl. Phys. Lett., 109(21), 211903 (2016).
29. F. Lu, W. Wang, X. G. Luo, X. J. Xie, Y. Cheng, H. Dong, H. Liu, W. H. Wang*, A class of monolayer metal halogenides MX2: Electronic structures and band alignments, Appl. Phys. Lett., 108(13), 132104 (2016).
28. Y. Q. Hu, C. H. Wang, H. Dong, R. M. Wallace, K. Cho, W. H. Wang*,W. Wang*, Origin of Indium diffusion in high-k oxide HfO2, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8(11), 7595-7600 (2016).
27. H. B. Li, W. H. Wang, X. Qian, Y. Cheng, X. Xie, J. Liu, S. Sun, J. Zhou, Y. Hu, J. Xu, L. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Du, K. Gao, Z. Li, C. Zhang, S. Wang, H. Chen, Y. Zhao, F. Lu*, W. Wang*, and H. Liu, Identifying the descriptor governing NO oxidation on mullite Sm(Y, Tb, Gd, Lu)Mn2O5 for diesel exhaust cleaning, Catal. Sci. Technol., 6(11) 3971-3975 (2016).
26. H. B Li, W. Wang, X. J. Xie, Y. H. Cheng, Z. Zhang, H. Dong, R. Zheng, W. H. Wang*, F. Lu*, H. Liu, Electronic Structure and Ferromagnetism Modulation in Cu/Cu2O Interface: Impact of Interficial Cu Vacancy and Its Diffusion, Scientific Reports,5, 15191 (2015).
25. W. H. Wang, C. Gong, W. Wang, S. K. Fullerton-Shirey, A. Seabaugh and K. Cho, First-Principles Study of Crown Ether and Crown Ether-Li Complex Interactions with Graphene, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119(34), 20016-20022 (2015).
24. X. J. Xie, H. B. Li, W. C. Wang, Feng Lu, H. Y. Yu, W. H. Wang*, Y. H. Cheng*, R. K. Zheng, and H. Liu, Room-temperature ferromagnetism induced by Cu vacancies in Cux(Cu2O)1−x granular films, Chinese Physics B, 24 (9), 097504/1-5, (2015).
23. C. H. Wang, W. H. Wang, Feng Lu, Y. H. Cheng, L. R. Ren, W. C. Wang*, and H. Liu*, Pure and Oxidized Ag Substrate Influence on the Phase Transformation and Semiconducting Behaviors of Layered ZnO: A First Principles Study, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119 (9), 4891-4897 (2015).
22. F. Lu, D. Y. Liu, W. H. Wang*, H. Liu and W. Wang, The quasi-one- dimensional character of spin waves in K2Fe7Se8, New J Phys., 15(9), 093043/1-6 (2013).
21. H. B. Li, X. J. Xie, W. Wang, Y. H. Cheng, W. H. Wang*, L. Y. Li, H. Liu*, G. Wen, and R. K. Zheng, Room-temperature ferromagnetism in nanocrystalline Cu/Cu2O core-shell structures prepared by magnetron sputtering, APL Mater., 1(4), 042106/1-7 (2013).
20. Y. H. Cheng, X. H. Zhang, L. Y. Li, C. H. Wang, X. G. Luo, H. Liu*, W. H. Wang*, and R. K. Zheng, Large coercivity and exchange bias in [Fe1-d(FeO)d]x(TiO2)1-x granular films, Appl. Phys. Lett., 102(19), 192403/1-4 (2013).
19. C. Gong, H. Zhang, W. H. Wang, L. Colombo, R. M. Wallace, and K. Cho, Band alignment of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides: application in tunnel field effect transistors, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103(5), 053513/1-4, (2013).
18. F. Lu, W. H. Wang, X. Xie, F. C. Zhang, Correlation effects in the electronic structure of the Ni-based superconducting KNi2S2, Phys. Rev. B, 87(11), 115131/1-6, (2013).
17. F. Lu*, J. Zhao, W. H. Wang*, Electronic structure of the new Ni-based superconductor KNi2Se2, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter, 24, 495501 (2012).
16. L. L. Han, L. Cui, W. H. Wang*, J. L. Wang, X. W. Du*, On the origin of blue emission from ZnO quantum dots synthesized by a so-gel route, Semicond. Sci. Technol., 27, 065020 (2012) .
15. L. Li, Y. Cheng, W. H. Wang, S. Ren, Y. Yang, X. Luo, H. Liu, Effects of copper and oxygen vacancies on the ferromagnetism of Mn- and Co-doped Cu2O, Solid State Commun., 151, 1583 (2011).
14. F. Lu*, W. H. Wang*, Magnetic ground state and spin waves in A(A = K, Rb or Cs)Fe1.5Se2, Phys. Lett. A, 375(47), 4203-4208, (2011).
13. W. H. Wang, Y. Cheng, F. Lu, X. G. Luo, H.Q. Lin, L. J. Zou, Phase separation of t-J-V model on a triangular lattice: Possible application to heavily doped NaxCoO2, Phys. Lett. A, 374, 4718-4723 (2010).
12. F. Lu, W. H. Wang, D. Y. Liu, C. Z. Wang, L. J. Zou, Orbital polarizations and superconducting phase diagrams in two-orbital asymmetric t–J models, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter, 22, 355603 (2010).
11. D. M. Chen, W. H. Wang, L. J. Zou, Bipartite entanglements in spin-orbital systems, Phys. Lett. A, 374, 1393-1396 (2010).
10. W. H. Wang, Y. H. Cheng, F. Lu, H. Liu, L. J. Zou, Charge and spin ordering of t-J-V model in triangular lattice with quarter-filling: possible application to Na0.5CoO2, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter, 21, 205602 (2009).
9. L. Li, W. H. Wang, H. Liu, X. Liu, Q. Song, S. Ren, First principles calculations of electronic band structure and optical properties of Cr-doped ZnO, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 8460 (2009).
8. F. Lu, W. H. Wang, L. J. Zou, Metal-insulator transition in half-filling two-orbital Hubbard model on triangular lattice, Phys. Rev. B, 77, 125117 (2008).
7. X. Zhang, W. H. Wang, L. Li, Y. H. Cheng, X. Luo, H. Liu, Effect of oxygen partial pressure on the ferromagnetism of Cr -doped TiO2 films, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 41, 015005 (2008).
6. X. Zhang, W. H. Wang, L. Li, Y. H. Cheng, X. Luo, H. Liu, Z. Q. Li, R. K. Zheng, S. P. Ringer, Influence of oxygen partial pressure on the ferromagnetic properties of polycrystalline Cr -doped ZnO flms, Europhysics Letters, 84, 27005 (2008).
5. Q. Liu, Y. Zhao, W. H. Wang, T. Kato, Global-local ansatz and dynamical coherent potential approximation study of off-diagonal exciton-phonon coupling, Phys. Rev. B, 79, 165105 (2009).
4. Y. Zhao, G. Li, J. Sun, W. H. Wang, An improved variational approach to off-diagonal exciton-phonon coupling, J. Chem. Phys., 129, 124114 (2008).
3. L. Li , H. Liu, X. Luo, X. Zhang, W. H. Wang, Y. H. Cheng, Q. Song, Ferromagnetism in polycrystalline Cr-doped ZnO films: experiment and theory, Solid State Commun., 146, 420 (2008).
2. W. H. Wang, L. J. Zou, Electronic states and spatial charge distribution of a single Mn impurity in diluted magnetic semiconductors, Chin. Phys. Lett., 23, 1588 (2006).
1. W. H. Wang, L. J. Zou, Y. Q. Wang,Electronic states of Mn impurities and magnetic couplings between Mn spins in diluted magnetic semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 195202 (2005).
ACS Nano, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Appl. Phys. Lett., Appl. Surf. Sci., J. Phys. Chem. C, J. Appl. Phys., J. Phys. : Condens. Matter, Chin. Phys. Lett., 物理学报等期刊的审稿人。